IPA: ˈɪntrʌhæmw
Root Word: Interahamwe
- A Hutu paramilitary organization involved in the Rwandan genocide.
Examples of "interahamwe" in Sentences
- Young militiamen loyal to the ruling party, known as interahamwe, attacked with machetes.
- “I saw the interahamwe setting my house on fire while my children were still inside,” he said.
- These were the very "interahamwe" militiamen who fled to the former Zaire after perpetrating the 1994 Rwandan genocide in which
- Kabila's failure to disarm at least 5,000 Rwandan Hutu militiamen, known as interahamwe, who are responsible for the 1994 genocide in
- He jammed the Voice of America and came out in public and told the U.S. that it is no different than the genocidal interahamwe maniacs in Rwanda.
- Three times in the past year Hutu militiamen, known as interahamwe, broke into his home in Kigali, beat him and threatened to kill him, he told me.
- Militants from the Hutu ethnic majority, known as interahamwe, quickly set up roadblocks across Kigali and on April 7 began killing Tutsis and moderate Hutus.
- It accepted in June to try suspect-at-large Fulgence Kayishema, a former police inspector accused of aiding militias known as interahamwe during the genocide, on grounds that he get a fair trial and that the death penalty not be applied.
- These are joined by former soldiers from Mobutu's army, who have been re-trained and assimilated into Kabila's forces, as well as an ill-defined cross-section of former Rwandan Hutu government soldiers and "interahamwe" militiamen, as well as a smattering of former Angolan UNITA rebels.
- Observers and analysts say Rwanda has allowed Nkunda to recruit fighters from Rwandan territory and supplied arms to his forces, but officials in Kigali say their only interest in eastern DRC is to see justice meted out to Hutu militias known as interahamwe, who are wanted for crimes during Rwanda's 1994 genocide.