IPA: dʒˈu
Root Word: Jew
- An adherent of Judaism.
- A member or descendant of the Jewish people.
- (derogatory) A miserly or greedy person; a cheapskate.
- (naval, slang) A ship's tailor.
- A surname.
- (Australia) The jewfish.
- (offensive) Alternative letter-case form of Jew (“a Jewish person”) [An adherent of Judaism.]
- (chiefly offensive, transitive) To make (more) Jewish.
- (offensive) To haggle or swindle in order to obtain a better deal from.
- (offensive) Alternative letter-case form of Jew [(chiefly offensive, transitive) To make (more) Jewish.]
- (offensive) Jewish.
Examples of "jew" in Sentences
- Put them together -- what a excellent lookin 'jew!
- July 28th, 2006 at 5: 53 pm hister says: one jew is too many
- Stop running these Howard posts … that jew is as irrelevant as Gilbert Gottfried
- You seem to have no problems killing Arabs, but anyone killing a jew is seen by you as a terrorist.
- Do you really want to say that an Orthodox jew is more “serious” than a Conservative jew is more “serious” than a Reform jew?
- Starman: Do you really want to say that an Orthodox jew is more “serious” than a Conservative jew is more “serious” than a Reform jew?
- I know as a jew, im not supposed to idol worship, but I could really go for something in a parting of the red sea theme, with a wave border print placed at a deep v for the "parting" and a giant Moses portrait on the back.
- Martin telling the jarvey to drive ahead and the citizen bawling and Alf and Joe at him to whisht and he on his high horse about the jews and the loafers calling for a speech and Jack Power trying to get him to sit down on the car and hold his bloody jaw and a loafer with a patch over his eye starts singing _If the man in the moon was a jew, jew, jew_ and