IPA: kˈænzʌs
Root Word: Kansas
- A state of the midwest United States. Capital: Topeka. Largest city: Wichita.
- University of Kansas.
Examples of "kansas" in Sentences
- All Comments from wes in kansas wrote 10 weeks 1 day ago
- Can anyone recommend a gsp bredder in kansas or oklahoma?
- Del was saying that they give 5 tags in kansas, there is definately a reason for that.
- Yes | No | Report from Reid Jones wrote 26 weeks 1 hour ago went to kansas a couple years ago. pheasants on the roads EVERYWHERE. pheasants in kansas is way way better than nebraska. it's sad.
- Yes | No | Report from silvrtung wrote 15 weeks 5 days ago ur lucky u got to him first lol where in kansas did you find him? that very much resembles a buck ive been managing for a couple of years.
- ITS ABOUT THE SHOOTER NOT THE RIFLE!!! in kansas i would shoot my .223 if i could i can put three rounds in a pattern the size of a quarter, and i bet u that my 55grain ballistic silvertip will do as much damage as your .270 without tearing up as much front quarter.