
IPA: kˈɛnjʌ

Root Word: Kenya


  • A country in East Africa. Official name: Republic of Kenya.

Examples of "kenya" in Sentences

  • Even the radical lefties at npr say obama was born in kenya.
  • Embassy’s in kenya, tanzania, Dar es salaam and other attacks
  • He was born in kenya and his middle name is mohammad not Hussein.
  • i really like the movie seven pounds and its fun watchung it back here in kenya luv u guys.
  • Amen Clay, Barry's grandma came out and admitted she was in kenya when he was born and the freakin media ignored her!!
  • Usually those scared white folks like his grandma that raised him while his dad was in kenya getting married to goats.
  • How much is it going to cost. l want to have a baby too. l'm in kenya so please get in touch with me as soon as things have worked out.
  • "pull the plug on grandma" lie, the "death panel" lie, the "government take over" lie, then the President was "born in kenya" lie, and on and on and on .......

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