
IPA: kˈeɪnziʌn

Root Word: Keynesian


  • (economics) A proponent of Keynesian economic doctrine.


  • (economics) Of or pertaining to an economic theory based on the ideas of John Maynard Keynes, as put forward in his book The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, published in 1936 in response to the Great Depression of the 1930s, and extensively extended by a large body of followers before and after his death in 1946.

Examples of "keynesian" in Sentences

  • Understanding the roles of the central bank in keynesian IS-LM/AD-AS framework was a breeze.
  • Keynesian - – i dont think anybody thinks you are talking about obamas father. and keynesian is better than friedmans idea of economics which have been proven an utter failure by everybody besides the rich and their GULLIBLE following.
  • YOU FAILED at running our economy. here's what's going to happen: the economy will stabilize and begin to grow again (actually, it is already). unemployment will level off and decline in the next year. the deficit will drop dramatically because all the recent spending will have served it's purpose and revenues will pick up again (it's called keynesian ecomonics -- look it up if you want to understand the theory behind what obama is doing and why it's been so successful historically). obama is going to look very good come 2012.

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