
IPA: kg

Root Word: KG


  • Abbreviation of Knight of The Most Noble Order of the Garter.

Examples of "kg" in Sentences

  • It’s just that 20 kg is a serious amount of arse to get off.
  • I've only gained 11 kg, which is about the right amount, according to a few books.
  • In the metric system, your BMI is equal to your weight in kg divided by your height in meters squared.
  • Fortunately, I was skinny to start with, so the extra kg is not too much of a burden. on 10 Jan 2008 at 5: 19 pm Joy Winer
  • Jargon bustersDrum size: All manufacturers will give you a drum size in kg, which is kind of meaningless as you're unlikely to know how much your clothes weigh.
  • "First, they exported 48 lakh tonnes of sugar at Rs. 12.50 per kg and are now importing raw sugar at Rs. 36 per kg, which is why the price of sugar went up to Rs. 50 per kg from Rs. 22 in one year."
  • I did see not so long ago, that a restaurant in Sydney was able to procure some at about $90 kg, which is about what I pay for the frozen version, so maybe one day, but I know that it is difficult to get them through quarantine because of concerns that any soil attached may harbour foot and mouth disease.
  • So, essentially, not only flying with empty seats works out to a much bigger loss than flying with fat passenger, but it can easily be seen why such costs are marginal: even if we take two passengers weighing 60 kg and 120 kg, we see that their total weight even in a fully booked flight would work out to roughly 280 kg and 340 kg, which is not such a bug difference at all.

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