
IPA: kɑrtˈum

Root Word: Khartoum


  • The capital city of Sudan.

Examples of "khartoum" in Sentences

  • Khartoum has a thriving economy.
  • Turkey has an embassy in Khartoum.
  • Later he joined the Khartoum garrison.
  • He had to report immediately to Khartoum.
  • Then go to Khartoum for the victory parade.
  • A new cargo terminal was built at Khartoum.
  • Here most of the goods for Khartoum are discharged.
  • The Siege of Khartoum was ameliorated with steamers.
  • It is refined at Khartoum for export and domestic consumption.
  • The khartoum regime's intransigence and belligerence is a known factor.
  • She studied Ethnography and English Literature in the University of Khartoum.
  • The arab league issued a statement from khartoum shortly after; the statement being the infamous 3 'nos'.
  • "zone_info": "huffpost. world/blog; world = 1; nickname = john-prendergast; entry_id = 365459; barack-obama = 1; camp-david = 1; darfur = 1; foreign-affairs = 1; jimmy-carter = 1; john-prendergast = 1; khartoum = 1; sudan = 1",
  • "zone_info": "huffpost. world/blog; world = 1; nickname = john-prendergast; entry_id = 395815; advocacy = 1; darfur = 1; foreign-affairs = 1; human-rights-watch = 1; juba = 1; khartoum = 1; peace = 1; sudan = 1; world-news = 1",
  • "zone_info": "huffpost. world/blog; featured-posts = 1; world = 1; nickname = john-prendergast; entry_id = 329766; barack-obama = 1; darfur = 1; foreign-affairs = 1; genocide = 1; khartoum = 1; national-congress-party = 1; sudan = 1",
  • Gambling strategy: fletcher initiated for the arena of spice republican party growth darrell brock, jr. it was the largest very structureof in khartoum and derived over 300 complexes, selling prescription both for safe and scientific term.
  • "zone_info": "huffpost. world/blog; world = 1; nickname = john-prendergast; entry_id = 382733; barack-obama = 1; darfur = 1; enough-project = 1; foreign-affairs = 1; genocide = 1; icc = 1; john-prendergast = 1; khartoum = 1; peace = 1; sudan = 1",
  • "zone_info": "huffpost. world/blog; world = 1; nickname = raj-purohit; entry_id = 173526; @yworld = 1; darfur = 1; general-wesley-clark = 1; icc = 1; international-criminal-court = 1; khartoum = 1; nato = 1; obama = 1; president-omar-al-bashir = 1; sudan = 1",
  • No Angel on July 26th, 2008 1: 03 pm hey, i wonder how that rumour got started?! drima i could assure you that youtube is not blocked, im in Sudan, khartoum i read your post typed in youtube. com and surprise surprise ITS WORKING .. so what are you guys going to spread exactly?

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