IPA: kɫˈænzmʌn
Root Word: Klansman
- A man who is a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
- Alternative letter-case form of Klansman [A man who is a member of the Ku Klux Klan.]
Examples of "klansman" in Sentences
- Yes, two men of the people: a former klansman throwback59
- I'm sure his klansman buddies will be pleased with this. raingirl2
- The next one better be a klansman in full garb holding up a sign with the face of a black man.
- Jindal embraced that term in regards to the Jena 6 situation in a way that would make a klansman proud.
- The first time the phrase "separation of church and state" was used in a Supreme Court decision was by a klansman striking out at Catholic schools.
- Racism is everywhere in the world, but Former President Carter makes it sound like all white southerners are klansman ready to attack at any moment.
- How can the same people who honor a former klansman as the ‘Conscience of the Senate’ be upset that their predecessors honored a former klansman by naming a hall after him?
- The important part of this story is the fact that a former klansman from the whitest state in the nation has endorsed the only African-American that has had a real chance at the White House.
- The use of vicious police dogs and fire hoses against black children in Birmingham, Alabama by klansman and sheriff "Bull" Connor was one of the flashpoints that allowed the civil rights movement, led by Dr. Martin Luther King, to get the attention of the whole world.