IPA: ɫˈætʃʌsɪs
Root Word: Lachesis
- (Greek mythology) One of the three Fates (Moirae), daughter of Zeus and Themis; the measurer of each thread of life. Her Roman equivalent is Decima.
- (homeopathy) The venom of Lachesis muta, the bushmaster snake, used to treat various conditions.
Examples of "lachesis" in Sentences
- Other remedies that are possible include arsenicum and lachesis.
- Clotho colum baiulat, lachesis trahit, Atrhopos [Atropos] occat.
- LG 18x SATA DVD-RW GSA-H62N don really like the design of lachesis ..
- I have a lachesis and I love it more than the copperhead but I am right handed.
- Match review: Arsenal 1 - 1 Liverpool lachesis on December 22, 2008, 06: 07: 58 PM Hi
- Dr. Edgar Sheaffer, who writes for The Health Care Letter, recommends combining a dietary approach, citrus dips, and remedies such as arsenicum album, lachesis, lycopodium, or ledum palustre to deal with fleas.
- I don't feel afraid that a billionth of a grain of anything would poison me, -- no, not if it were snake-venom; and if it were not disgusting, I would swallow a handful of his lachesis globules, to please my husband.
- If he were a homeopath, I know I should; for if a billionth of a grain of sugar won't begin to sweeten my tea or coffee, I don't feel afraid that a billionth of a grain of anything would poison me, -- no, not if it were snake-venom; and if it were not disgusting, I would swallow a handful of his lachesis globules, to please my husband.