
IPA: ɫʌgˈunʌ

Root Word: Laguna


  • A province of the Philippines. Capital: Santa Cruz. Largest city: Calamba.

Examples of "laguna" in Sentences

  • Not far south of where the laguna opens into the gulf is a reef, fairly shallow and close to shore.
  • Conceptually, it helps me to think of the lake as having more the qualities of a lagoon (Sp. "laguna") than a lake.
  • I'm using the following ISP www. that uses the above as their backbone, or connection to the internet.
  • And although I'm in Central Mexico using www. as my primary ISP, the IP # shown, ID's me as being two countries away.
  • I know that the Internet Service Providers, like Rod Collins of www. have had a better opinion of Megacable than Telecable.
  • I moved to the lake I believe in Aug and immediately signed up for www. as my internet service provider and would occasionally see David when I visited the office.
  • To see some past Posts on it, click on the Search Posts function at the top of this page and then type in "laguna santa maria del oro" in the 'Search String' and then hit Search.
  • I give tech support at an ISP called www. Well just to make you all jealous, I was just given an additional internet connection rated with a download speed of 28.8 with an upload that is even faster.

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