
IPA: ɛsidi

Root Word: LCD


  • (electronics, computing) Initialism of liquid crystal display. [A display device that uses liquid crystals to control luminance of each pixel or pattern.]
  • (number theory) Initialism of lowest common denominator / least common denominator. [(mathematics) The smallest positive integer which is a multiple of every denominator of several fractions.]

Examples of "lcd" in Sentences

  • I tried search term lcd monitor and I got 12. 8% for Tiger-direct.
  • Electronic products such as lcd hdtv, led hdtv, gps, digital camera and more.
  • Most vid cards these days allow for two, and lcd monitors are much cheaper than they used to be.
  • Text 69866 with the message "lcd" and the name of the food (i.e. "lcd chicken"), and you'll get a text back with the food's carbon rating.
  • I had this problem yesterday when starcraft in Wine crashed and my desktop was left at like 800x640 resolution on my 1680 x 1050 lcd screen!
  • There was a large lcd display does the "d" stand for display? mounted on one of the walls and all it did all day was light up little lights which spelled out words and numbers.
  • Speaker failure (I never listen to music over half volume on my laptop, and hardly ever use it anyway) quickbutton failure, lcd screens becoming unhinged, powerbutton failure, hard drive failure, memory failure, PSU sparking.
  • This one is in some ways the pure "lcd" reading experience, so is far away from a print experience, but with tweaking the colors and fonts it is abosultely gorgeous and I am rereading on it books just for the pleasure to read on it.
  • #3. if it still under warranty (in this case the lcd), i'll bring the phone back to the shop and relate the problem to the lcd, that is the problem happened because of the lcd after doing all the above, then only i'll move to next steps ........ can't figure out now thanks,

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