
IPA: ɫʌ

Root Word: Le


  • A surname.
  • Initialism of law enforcement. [The task of ensuring obedience to the law.]
  • Initialism of limited edition. [A special edition of a book, or anything else, limited to a specific number (of copies etc.).]
  • Initialism of luxury edition.

Examples of "le" in Sentences

  • Page 56. 1. le bon Dieu: do not translate _le bon_.
  • When the royal assent (says de Lolme) is given to a public bill, the clerk says, _le Roy le veut_.
  • It was not till later that we learned the climax -- not till _le petit belge avec le bras cassé, le petit balayeur_, came hurrying to our end of the room and sat down with us.
  • Instead of _vieux_, old, Joinville uses _veil_ or _veel_ (p. 132 C, _le veil le fil au veil_, _i. e._ _le vieux fils du vieux_); but in the nom. sing., _viex_, which is the Latin
  • The little Machine-Fixer (_le petit bonhomme avec le bras cassé_ as he styled himself, referring to his little paralysed left arm) was so perfectly different that I must let you see him next.
  • Il y a peut-être, me disais-je, aux sources de ce malaise, un très ancien malentendu, à la suite duquel le théâtre ne fut jamais exactement ce qu'il est dans l'instinct de la foule, à savoir: _le temple du Rêve_.
  • After reciting the various modes of applying labor to the improvement of land, he says: "La valeur c'est incorporée, confondue dans le sol, et c'est pourquoi on poura très bien dire par métonymie: _le sol vaut_." -- (p. 363.)
  • Again, if we read in the time of Edward II. that “John Peverel held Hametethy of Roger le Jeu,” we may be quite certain that _le Jeu_ does not mean “the Jew,” and that in the time of Edward II. no John Peverel held land of a Jew.
  • If a man wishes to go over to the enemy, then let him do it -- _le remède sera pire que le mal_ -- but to be for ever dallying with the idea of treachery and adopting the pose without carrying it out in reality -- this I cannot regard as prudent policy.
  • A crowd assembles; flags fly; a band plays the Belgian National Anthem; hawkers go about selling photographs of _le départ pour le Congo_; and a steam-tug, decorated with flags, and with a band of music playing, accompanies the liner some distance down the Scheldt.

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