IPA: ɫˈioʊ
Root Word: Leo
- A male given name from Latin, borne by numerous saints and 13 popes.
- (astronomy) A constellation of the zodiac, shaped approximately like a lion and containing the stars Regulus and Denebola.
- (astrology) The zodiac sign for the Lion, ruled by the Sun and covering July 23 - August 22 (tropical astrology) or August 16 - September 15 (sidereal astrology).
- A surname.
- An unincorporated community in Jackson Township, Jackson County, Ohio, United States.
- A ghost town in Roane County, West Virginia, United States.
- Someone with a Leo star sign
- A Leonberger
- (informal) Abbreviation of leotard. [A one-piece skintight garment with or without sleeves and without legs (often worn by gymnasts, acrobats, wrestlers, female swimmers, etc.)]
- Acronym of Lyons Electronic Office (an early British computer).
- Acronym of low Earth orbit. [A satellite orbit around the Earth within the altitude range of ~ 200 - 2000 km, in which a satellite can communicate with Earth with a small time lag and energy consumption. Abbreviation: LEO.]
- Acronym of law enforcement officer.
Examples of "leo" in Sentences
- Leo loves to spend his weekends hiking in the mountains
- I asked Leo to join me for lunch, but he declined
- Leo's favorite season is summer because he loves to go swimming
- After years of hard work, Leo finally achieved his dream of becoming a pilot
- Leo's perseverance and determination are truly inspiring to those around him