
IPA: ɫˈɔŋgʌst

Root Word: Longest


  • A surname.

Examples of "longest" in Sentences

  • It's what I call the longest blue state -- Colorado.
  • After what he called the longest two days of his life, Alves got a measure of good news in
  • He immediately left for Lawrence to make what he called the longest two-and-a-half hour drive of his life.
  • Only on the job for a couple weeks Sheptor was about to face what he calls the longest and most memorable year of his life.
  • Pretty dismal progress, when you consider that Brown had what he describes as the longest period of economic expansion for a century.
  • After notifying the university, an archeological team was dispatched and the University of Pretoria began what it described as the longest excavation project in South Africa.
  • He also noted that during what he called the longest board meeting in the company's history, his directors "unanimously endorsed our business model, strategic direction and the team."
  • Feeling his way through the darkness and devastation, Mesidor, pastor of Concord Baptist Church, sang every song that came to mind while walking during what he described as the longest night of his life.
  • You schedule a meeting of electrical engineers, software engineers, or scientists and the agenda item that takes the longest is the one that takes the least expertise; the one that requires the least domain specific knowledge.

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