
IPA: mˈɑk

Root Word: Mach


  • A surname from Czech.
  • Ernst Mach, Austrian physicist (1838–1916), born in Moravia (now Czech Republic).
  • (physics) a ratio of the speed (of an object, etc.) to the speed of sound in the fluid or other medium through which the object travels. Usually used to describe supersonic speeds; the Mach number.

Examples of "mach" in Sentences

  • Anything that kills and begins with "mach" would do*.
  • (thanks for the word mach, haven't heard 'yack' in a while)
  • Anything that kills and begins with "mach" would do*. - 21 comments
  • Way #48 is ha'mach'kim et rabo -- literally "make your teacher wise."
  • We need to stay with that shot until, what they call the mach diamonds form, coming out of the engines.
  • For me, one of the best parts of a meat cholent was the "mach" / marrow which could be smeared onto a piece of challah.
  • Slide 18: Surface Normals The normal vector at a point on a surface is perpendicular to all surface tangent vectors For triangles normal given by right-handed cross product 35 35 Flat Shading Use constant normal for each triangle (polygon) Polygon objects don't look smooth Faceted appearance very noticeable, especially at specular highlights Recall mach bands ...
  • The JSF has to be able to serve all branches of the military, it must be able to land vertically and take off in a short distance, it must be as stealthy as the stealth fighter, it must be agile in the air but also able to carry huge amounts of ordinance, it must be able to execute mid-air refueling and "mach" flight, and it must be less than one-third the cost of the LM F-22 Raptor and must be a design that can serve for forty years.

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