IPA: mɑhɑbɝˈɑtʌ
Root Word: Mahabharata
- An ancient Sanskrit epic concerning some text of the Bhagavad Gita, including elaborations on theology and morality.
Examples of "mahabharata" in Sentences
- Set theory? who are in pandavaas side and who are in gauravaas side in mahabharata war?
- Mahabharata - which was most cunning and confusing character in mahabharata? en Español
- Set theory? who are in pandavaas side and who are in gauravaas side in mahabharata war? en Español
- Are the lodha's from rajasthan decendants of jarasandh from mahabharata their story seems so similar?
- Indo-US Nuclear Deal we can define this moment a mahabharata type seen in indian politics where the all indian political parties divided into two groups upa
- But during that time of mahabharata or ramayana they never mentioned about other countries. please explain those i need information. also say whether this is correct or not
- Published: 2010-04-05 16: 25: 34+01: 00 we can define this moment a mahabharata type seen in indian politics where the all indian political parties divided into two groups upa