IPA: mˈæɫθʌs
Root Word: Malthus
- A rare surname from Middle English derived from the Middle English word for malthouse.
- Thomas Malthus, English demographer and political economist, who proposed the view that population growth always exceeds the growth of the necessary food supply.
Examples of "malthus" in Sentences
- Posted January 5, 2004 10: 30 PM nkem writes: the theory of malthus robart
- Yes, in these times, no less, which are neither the times of malthus nor of
- Perhaps the worst part of the 'green revolution' was the delusion that malthus was beaten.
- This has been a reoccuring theme of main stream economics ever since malthus -- so don't blame liberals.
- How is the karmic account maintained by the Lord? will the europeans sue mr.rev. malthus for misleading them into a dwindling populace? en Español
- Rank: not rated yet since when was malthus seen as a real visionary? actually he's a loser since plasma energy systems have surfaced:/report abuse
- EH says: malthus: The first is with Volokh. com, which keeps trying, without success, to censor my postings here, and this because I tried to teach EV some simple grammar.