
IPA: mˈaʊɪst

Root Word: Maoist


  • one who advocates Maoism


  • of, related to, or advocating Maoism

Examples of "maoist" in Sentences

  • Maoist is one letter off of moist.
  • Maoists take responsibility for the killing
  • As long as that's clear, Maoist is okay too.
  • It is impossible to be a Maoist but a non Marxist.
  • As stated above the article is on Maoist ideology.
  • The term Maoist rule the countryside is not correct.
  • The Maoists are in the opposition for the time being.
  • This was against the Maoist idea of world revolution.
  • There is often a political or Maoist agenda behind it.
  • This is unacceptable as a summary of the entire Maoist era.
  • Category: anita dunn, favorite political philosopher, glenn beck, mao tse tung, maoist
  • But, it is ok for maoist terrorists backed by islamists in Nepal to dethrone a traditional King.
  • Snob, obviously the "livability revolution" is the subversive movement of maoist feng shui practioners.
  • I couldn't even get a fix on the difference between the more common trotskyite, stalinist and maoist parties.
  • Report Abuse listen every body, since they are not muslims, they are called maoist rebels, had it been muslims, they would be terrorists!
  • For me, this was by far the most damning part: "Tories are attempting a maoist-style revolution in the NHS" ...that just chilled me to the bone
  • I know that for most of you left wing marxist-maoist-che lovers here that is a stretch but maybe someday you will see the error and folly of your traitorous ways.
  • Of course, I haven't seen anything that the liberals have done to undercut conservatives... so in my humble marxist communist liberal leftist leninist stalinist maoist taoist collectivist opinion – Vote OUT ALL OBSTRUCTIONIST!
  • Srinagar, Ocotober 29 (Vijay Kumar) - Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh said that the para-military forces have played an important role in J&K, north-eastern states, maoist infested areas in curbing terrorism by working in adverse conditions for which they deserve special appreciation.
  • Ayers, of course, had long held what the left once knew, broadly, as "maoist" politics - a view of the world that was opposed to Russian style bureaucratic communism from above, instead advocates of this approach supported sending revolutionary cadre to "swim among the masses like fish in the sea" or attempting to establish guerilla foco as romantically theorized by Regis Debray and carried out with disastrous results by Che Guevara.

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