
IPA: mɝˈiʌ

Root Word: Maria


  • A female given name from Hebrew.
  • Synonym of Mary, mother of Jesus, in Latin, Spanish, etc. contexts.
  • A surname originating as a matronymic.
  • A Dravidian language spoken in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh provinces in India.
  • A Papuan language spoken in Papua New Guinea.

Examples of "maria" in Sentences

  • Anna Maria is the calm backbone of the family.
  • Bianca Maria usually reacted with nonchalance.
  • It is the namesake of the Maria asteroid family.
  • Like Reiko, Maria is tall, beautiful, and buxom.
  • Maria is blue haired and the daughter of the mayor.
  • Maria was described as a mulatto in the 1880 Census.
  • Benedict is the son of the German actress Maria Becker.
  • The dark areas on the moon are known as maria (MAHR ee uh).
  • Many survivors hid in the freezing waters of the Marias River.
  • Interestingly, the far side has almost no "maria" or dark spots.
  • Maria disconnects the talisman and the portal shuts down forever.
  • The word maria is Latin for seas; its singular is mare (MAHR ee).
  • Isidore and Maria then vowed continence and lived in separate houses.
  • Nonetheless, I shared my empty library out under the name maria i sweat your music collection
  • I'd say give up on expecting "maria" to be have the same relationship with you that you had before, because basically you don't.
  • The dark spots on the moon were named "maria," from the Latin word for seas, because scientists believed they were bodies of water.
  • Our new LRO LOLA dataset shows that the older highland impactor population can be clearly distinguished from the younger population in the lunar 'maria' -- giant impact basins filled with solidified lava flows [...]
  • June 26th, 2009 5: 52 pm ET how comments come back to bite you ... i bet he is wishing he could take back all the self-righteous things he said during the clinton-lewinsky scandal. in the words of "maria", [he] "cant put the GENIUS back in the bottle".

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