IPA: mˈæt
Root Word: Matt
- A diminutive of the male given name Matthew
- A diminutive of the male given name Matthias
- A British surname originating as a patronymic, a rare variant of Matthews.
- A surname from German.
- A village in Glarus canton, Switzerland.
- (film) Alternative spelling of matte (“background, often painted or created with computers”) [(art, photography) A decorative border around a picture used to inset and center the contents of a frame.]
- Alternative spelling of mat (“an alloy in coppersmithing”) [A flat piece of coarse material used for wiping one’s feet, or as a decorative or protective floor covering.]
- (chiefly British spelling) alternative spelling of matte [(American spelling) Dull; not reflective of light.]
Examples of "matt" in Sentences
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