IPA: moʊzæmbˈik
Root Word: Mozambique
- A country in East Africa and Southern Africa. Official name: Republic of Mozambique (since 1990). Capital: Maputo.
- (historical, from 1975) The former communist country of the People's Republic of Mozambique.
- (historical, from the 16th century) A former colony of Portugal.
- An island or its town in the province of Nampula, Mozambique, from which its name was transferred to the country.
- A broad strait, the modern Mozambique Channel, which separates the island of Madagascar from the African mainland of Mozambique.
- A native or inhabitant of Mozambique; a Mozambican.
- Any of various kinds of dress material.
- Alternative letter-case form of mozambique (“fabric”). [Any of various kinds of dress material.]
Examples of "mozambique" in Sentences
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