
IPA: mˈɪstɝi

Root Word: MRI


  • (medicine) Initialism of magnetic resonance imaging. [(medicine) A technique that uses nuclear magnetic resonance to form cross sectional images of the human body for diagnostic purposes.]


  • (transitive, rare, medicine) To take an MRI scan of.

Examples of "mri" in Sentences

  • Off-topic, but tattoo ink will not boil out of your skin or something if you get an mri.
  • I had ultra sound and mri and stopped just short of biopsy because they deemed it unnecessary.
  • It's a story of questing for destiny and of relationships between three different species, humans, the warrior mri, and the regul.
  • I hope the mri shows lots of normal tissue there and the surgery and treatment can continue “normally” whatever normal means in this context.
  • Test results on Rockies closer Huston Street came back, and they are negative, which is a positive. mri on huston street's shoulder came back "clean."
  • The day befor the doctor told you to schedule an appointment for a mri you get a letter stating that your coverage has been terminated and you cannot reactivate it.
  • The most that could happen is if you get a tattoo with some seriously un-professional old-school ink that is heavy black and nothing else, it might interfere with the mri.
  • All three books pass the Bechdel test, if we allow it to apply to female aliens: Melein, a mri priestess, is one of the key characters and she confronts other priestesses at several crucial points (notably the climax of the second book).
  • March 5, 2009 at 12: 29 pm fans care therefore fans will worry about this. in all probability, he's fine, but it's natural to worry when you hear 'mri' come from the team. regardless, i think we've reached the point in the argument where neither side has specific enough information to win

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