
IPA: mˈɪz

Root Word: MS


  • (nautical) M/S: Initialism of motor ship.
  • Title used before an adult woman's name or surname, especially when it is not desired or possible to indicate her marital status with Miss or Mrs.
  • (plural MSS) Abbreviation of manuscript. [A book, composition or any other document, written by hand (or manually typewritten), not mechanically reproduced.]
  • (numismatics) Initialism of mint state, a grading term.
  • (pharmacology) Initialism of morphine sulfate.
  • (cardiology) Initialism of mitral stenosis.
  • (neurology, uncountable) Initialism of multiple sclerosis. [(pathology) A chronic disease of the brain and spinal cord characterized by changes in sensation, visual problems, weakness, depression, difficulties with coordination and speech, impaired mobility and disability.]
  • (academics) Initialism of Master of Science. [A degree that usually requires 2-3 years beyond a Bachelor of Science and emphasizes science and scientific applications. The degree is less advanced than a Doctorate degree.]
  • Initialism of middle school. [(education, countable) A school which crosses the traditional divide between primary school and secondary school.]
  • (philately) Initialism of mini-sheet.
  • (criminology) Initialism of murder-suicide. [(criminology) A murder in which the killer subsequently commits suicide.]
  • Initialism of Mato Grosso do Sul, a state of Brazil. [A state of the Center-West Region, Brazil. Capital: Campo Grande]
  • Initialism of Microsoft: an American multinational technology company founded in 1975. [(trademark) Microsoft Corporation.]
  • Abbreviation of Mississippi, a state of the United States of America. [A state of the United States.]
  • (chemistry) Abbreviation of mesyl. [(organic chemistry, especially in combination) The univalent radical CH₃SO₂– of methanesulfonic acid.]
  • Abbreviation of manuscript. [A book, composition or any other document, written by hand (or manually typewritten), not mechanically reproduced.]

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