IPA: nɑbˈu
Root Word: Nabu
- The ancient Mesopotamian patron god of literacy, the rational arts, scribes, and wisdom.
Examples of "nabu" in Sentences
- Kom Ombo used to be known as Kom Nabu, where 'nabu' means 'gold' in Nubian.
- Dr. Petra Ludwig-Sidow geologist, environmentalist - Germany nabu-ammersbek. de
- Ang ycalima sumangpalataia ang atin panginoon Jesuchristo, nang magycatlong arao nabu hai nanaguli.
- a prophet (nabi, perhaps “proclaimer”; cf. Akkadian nabu, “to call,” Arabic naba'a, “to announce”).
- i never new true love till the day i met him. the day i first met him, i liked him straight away and he liked me too but i had a boyfriend who i regret even dating. if i had of dumped nabu i could have been with beau. as soon as i had broken up with nabu, beau had aready moved on so i've never really had a chance