IPA: nˈɑwɑtʌɫ
Root Word: Nahuatl
- A group of people indigenous to the Central Mexico region spanning multiple tribal groups including the Aztecs.
- The polysynthetic Aztecan language spoken by an indigenous people of Mexico.
- A member of this group.
Examples of "nahuatl" in Sentences
- Zapata was born to a mestizo family who spoke nahuatl rather than Spanish.
- The azteca language is used everyday - chocolate, tomato, metate, even the word yankee is a nahuatl word, it means stranger.
- Our children are getting a good education they will come out of this school speaking english, spanish, mandarin, and nahuatl..
- Segal's La littérature nahuatl: sources, identitíes, représentations, in which he appears to have been influenced by Bierhorst.
- For these ancient poets the essence of life was summed up in the phrase, “In Xochitl, In Cuicatl”, meaning “The flower, the song”, a nahuatl metaphor signifying the art of poetry, “The one true thing on earth”.
- The Spanish religious chronicler Fr. Antonio Tello, writing between 1650 and 1653, tells us that in 1531 Xitomatl was chief over a large Indian population, possibly speakers of Coca (a nahuatl dialect), around what is now San Juan Cosala.