IPA: nˈætʃɛz
Root Word: Natchez
- A member of a tribe of Native Americans once living in the area of Mississippi.
- The extinct Muskhogean language of these people.
- A city, the county seat of Adams County, Mississippi, United States.
Examples of "natchez" in Sentences
- The Grand Village of the Natchez
- The Natchez diaspora occurred in the 1730s.
- The site is a tourist attraction in Natchez.
- Descendants have continued to live in Natchez.
- Natchez soils are in the Inceptisols soil order.
- Man natchez had alot of robbery crimes this month ...
- Natchez Trace is an article not a disambiguation page.
- Natchez is a commercial center in southwest Mississippi.
- He remained there until the outbreak of the Natchez ar in 1729.
- In Natchez, there are a number of private and parochial schools.
- Growth of the village was stimulated by traffic on the Natchez Trace.
- Keep going!!! maybe you can take over the natchez police department!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Technorati tags: Mississippi natchez police Mississippi news politics law enforcement stimulus
- To give a business this much crap over the size of a sign is incredible and typical of the city of natchez.
- There are pictures on facebook and on natchez scene about Concordia Park not Concordia Parish as the Democrat mentioned ....
- So, keep your scope if it has served you well, check out natchez shooting supply online for refurbished and discounted scopes ...
- Wat amazes me personally is the natchez democrat is a fraud itself you guys only put in the paper on the front page what is pleasing to the public but not once did you all put in the
- I was sad but ended up finding a party with free wine in the same building. oh well! taylor closed doors rather. clothes doors would be nice though what was the info on the john natchez record?
- Hey Bloggers -- lets put your most embarrassing moment on the front page of the newspaper and on tv --- see how you would handle it!!! then ask yourself what have you ever done for natchez --- i bet nothing!!!!!!