IPA: ˈɛŋ
Root Word: Ng
- A surname from Chinese.
- (Internet) Initialism of newsgroup; also NG. [A repository on a computer network where people can post messages, usually about a single subject.]
- (petrochemistry) Initialism of natural gas. [A mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons associated with petroleum deposits; mostly methane with smaller amounts of ethane, propane and butane; principally used as a fuel.]
- Initialism of nitroglycerin.
- (Internet) Initialism of newsgroup. [A repository on a computer network where people can post messages, usually about a single subject.]
- (rail transport) Initialism of narrow gauge. [(rail transport) A track gauge less than standard gauge.]
- (Internet) Initialism of Newgrounds.
- Initialism of National Geographic.
- Not OK. Initialism of no good.
- Initialism of nasogastric. [(medicine) Pertaining both to the nose and to the stomach.]
Examples of "ng" in Sentences
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