IPA: gˈuni
Root Word: Nguni
- The group of Southern African peoples comprising the Zulu, Xhosa, Swazi, Mpondo and Ndebele nations.
- The group of languages of the Nguni people.
Examples of "nguni" in Sentences
- I can help you with the Nguni languages.
- Zulus are a sub nation in the Nguni nation.
- The Ndebele are part of the larger Nguni ethnic group.
- From the Nguni ukusonga meaning to roll up or to fold.
- The official language is an Nguni language very similar to isiZulu.
- The grammar and construction, though, are Nguni and distinctly unfamiliar.
- He was the last recognised heir of the Jamine dynasty of the Nguni people.
- Clergy in South Africa sometimes follow the national style using a Nguni shield.
- I am impressed with your record of family history from the 1200 nogal - especially as there was no nguni written language until the whites prepared one.
- Zulu and xhosa and Swazi and all the nguni-bantu languages is such a subject-specific language that I used to say it was the perfect language for German philosphy.