IPA: nɪkɪɫˈoʊdiʌn
Root Word: Nickelodeon
- (historical) A small, rudimentary movie theater that charged five cents for admission, popular in North America from about 1905 to 1915.
- A coin-operated player piano, often elaborated with percussion, banjos, bells, whistles, and other musical instruments and noise-makers.
- An American jukebox operated by nickels.
- Alternative letter-case form of Nickelodeon [(historical) A small, rudimentary movie theater that charged five cents for admission, popular in North America from about 1905 to 1915.]
Examples of "nickelodeon" in Sentences
- Not until the producers of nickelodeon movies agreed to censor their own material did the mayor rescind his order.
- Roses and maybe tickets to the nickelodeon and maybe, next summer, that Coney Island place I keep hearing about . . .
- With stomachs full and heads adequately instructed, workers would be able to resist the temptations of the nickelodeon, the burlesque show, and the amusement park.
- They seized film, beat up directors and actors, forced audiences out of theaters, smashed the nickelodeon arcades, and set fire to entire city blocks where they were concentrated.
- They moaned, “Oh, you poor thing,” as if Yetta and the other strikers were the damsels in distress in some movie at the nickelodeon—as if the strike were being put on just for their entertainment.
- Inc. Attention will be focused on 50 major neighborhood and downtown theaters, culled from a list of nearly 250 that have dotted the city's landscape since the first "nickelodeon" opened in 1896 at 626 Canal Street.