IPA: nˈaɪdʒɝ
Root Word: Niger
- A country in West Africa, situated to the north of Nigeria. Official name: Republic of the Niger.
- A major river in West Africa that flows into the Gulf of Guinea in Nigeria.
- A state of Nigeria in the North Central geopolitical zone. Capital and largest city: Minna.
- An Ethiopian herb, Guizotia abyssinica, grown for its seed and edible oil.
Examples of "niger" in Sentences
- Do you think you'll get in trouble for having the word niger on your web site?
- "Do you think you'll get in trouble for having the word niger on your web site?"
- But I can say this, that it may have came from the Latin word ''niger'' for the color black.
- The bully tactics usually used in these niger scams, reflect their own awful society of course.
- ‘Josef Lemper’ – the Helleborus niger hybrid I posted about last month – is still in full flower.
- REVEREND JESSE JACKSON: You used the word niger and then the lynching scene have you been here before?
- In fact, Wikipedia suggests that it is 'a descendant of the Latin adjective niger, meaning "black"', but that's a technicality.
- Going from that to the excessive use of profanity, repretish use of the word niger, and idea about some body lynching from a tree, that's pretty pathologic, pretty sick.
- In the book "Nigger: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word" by Randall Kennedy, the Harvard Law professor writes that the word is derived from the Latin word "niger" and the Spanish word
- Suppose, that two tribes used the same written characters, but attached different and opposite meanings to them, so that 'niger', for instance, was used by one tribe to convey the notion 'black', by the other, 'white'; -- could they, without absurdity, be said to have the same language?