IPA: nˈɔrdɪk
Root Word: Nordic
- A person of Nordic descent or having features typical of Nordic people.
- (ufology, science fiction) A race of extraterrestrials similar in appearance to Nordic humans.
- Of or relating to the Nordic countries.
- Of or relating to the light colouring and tall stature of Nordic peoples.
- (linguistics) Of or relating to the family of North Germanic languages.
- (skiing) Of or relating to cross-country skiing or ski jumping.
- Of or relating to cross-country skiing.
- (rare) Alternative spelling of Nordic [Of or relating to the Nordic countries.]
Examples of "nordic" in Sentences
- The Nordic countries are known for their stunning natural landscapes and rich cultural history
- The Nordic design aesthetic is characterized by clean lines, minimalism, and functionality
- Many people associate the Nordic diet with health and longevity due to its emphasis on fresh, locally sourced ingredients
- The Nordic region experiences long, dark winters but also enjoys endless summer days filled with sunshine
- Nordic skiing has become a popular winter sport in many countries around the world