IPA: nɔstrʌdˈæmʌs
Root Word: Nostradamus
- A French astrologer and author of prophecies who lived in the early 1500s.
- Any quack doctor or charlatan.
Examples of "nostradamus" in Sentences
- ®SEH nostradamus the man in the gray coat tells me
- We aren't the chosen organisms we think we are. nostradamus
- The third anti-christ by nostradamus is about to have a verdict
- While he's at it, mebbe he could nostradamus Iraq, Iran, and next week's powerball numbers.
- … blues: You know what, I would like to know that "nostradamus" guy who predicted both market …
- He is a regular nostradamus as far as I'm concerned, predicting nearly every major catastrophe of the last 8 years and doing so years before they occurred.
- Mr. Simon… is my hope and prayer that while the first part of ‘nostradamus’ prediction will come true-that the second part, about Obama getting re-elected will not.
- I leave you with these links: end of the world, armageddon, doomsday, nostradamus, the book of revelation, the rapture, Joel Schumacher directs movie for Neil Gaiman's Sandman.
- Both sides of the ledger seem like what I would have predicted. also, temperatures in boston went down when obamacare was passed. so it must be good for solving global warming. exactly as nostradamus prognosticated.