
IPA: ˈoʊts

Root Word: Oates


  • A surname.
  • An unincorporated community in Reynolds County, Missouri, United States.

Examples of "oates" in Sentences

  • We were actually breaching all of this, these are all sea oates (ph).
  • Do we really believe that Spitzer was targetted for sowing wild oates?
  • Ye Isle did not Looke to be so bigg at ye shore, but takeing boate I went on it and found it as large and very good Barley and oates and grass.
  • But my horses Could not Live so, Especially on journeys, of wch I had given them a pretty exercise, and their new oates and hay suited not their stomach.
  • Item I give to my said nowe loveing wife as a legacy my coatch horses & furniture & what hay or oates, coales, turfes & fuell shall be in my howse att my death.
  • For they may rightly be termed coffers to cast oates into, a devouring gulfe of meate, and wherein there is no other pleasure to be taken, but onely in their crie and furiousness when they are come to be great ones: or continuall cheaping whiles they be little….
  • Ye Lands End is 10 mile ffarther, pretty steep and narrow Lanes, but its not shelter'd wth trees or hedg Rows this being rather desart and Like ye peake Country in Darbyshire, dry stone walls, and ye hills full of stones, but it is in most places better Land and yeilds good Corne, both wheate Barley and oates and some Rhye.
  • Which seemeth to haue bene true by the report of the Russes them selues, that tell of a certaine homage that was done by the Russe Emperour euery yeere to the great Chrim or Can, the Russe Emperour standing on foot and feeding the Chrims horse, (himselfe sitting on his backe) with oates out of his owne cappe, in stead of a bowle or manger, and that within the castle of
  • I have seen three hundred leazers or gleaners in one gentleman's corn-field at once; his servants gathering and stouking the bound sheaves, the sheaves lying on the ground like dead carcases in an overthrown battell, they following the spoyle, not like souldiers (which scorne to rifle) but like theeves desirous to steale; so this army holdes pillaging, wheate, rye, barly, pease, and oates; oates,

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