IPA: ˈɛdɪpʌs
Root Word: Oedipus
- (Greek mythology) A son of Laius and Jocasta, who unwittingly killed his father and married his mother.
Examples of "oedipus" in Sentences
- I had the oedipus once, but luckily it was the simplex.
- Saguinus oedipus, alarm calls contain sufficient information for recognition of individual identity.
- While I don't think that most authors want to re-create the story of oedipus Rex, there might be something going on with the need for surrogate fathers.
- It was about 5 minutes after a tornado got about halfway to the ground and went back up … Was sunset so the clouds were all pinkish … really erie. oedipus
- The explanation also clears up evolution, has a gender-independent oedipus complex, connects the robot that passes the Turing Test with Freud's mind-model, explains the evolution of race, and other stuff.
- In summary, the young patient who suffers from the classic infantile neurosis suffers from an unresolved oedipus complex; the young patient presenting uneven self-esteem suffers from deficits in the psychic structure in a beginning cohesive self.
- Sigmund freud lies not knowing he's lying: he is a conceptual pedophile who says children has sexual attraction for parents (oedipus) and that mind is builded with 3 parts (ego superego es) and other new things; like freud says, cognitive error is associated with patology: the person trusts false thing then makes "biological-group self-destructive action"