IPA: ˈɔrpɪŋtʌn
Root Word: Orpington
- A town in Greater London, in southeastern England.
- A breed of chicken, originally being one of four colours (black, white, buff or blue).
Examples of "orpington" in Sentences
- This is 'hit and run' ... pankie, orpington says ...
- We wouldnt have a group if ghost and spirits arent real. pankie, orpington says ...
- For more information please checkout our site www. londonghosthunte rs. com pankie, orpington says ...
- Knock knock, sorry got to go there's someone at the door, oh there's know one there, fancy that. pankie, orpington says ...
- Last night, my husband, a good friend, and I ate the first eggs from the buff orpington backyard chickens that we acquired this summer.
- They are larger than a big orpington chicken, terrific flyers, and live in the forests of Switzerland and nearly all central and western Europe.
- stuart g, orpington, 26/09/2011 20:16 Kens going to lower the fares by 5% until he wines the election and then raise them back up again by 10% when he's back in the gherkin.
- If the goalie had caught the ball - as I'm sure was intended there would not have been a problem. adamg, orpington - offended by Bromley's behaviour? personally I'm offended that as a local resident you choose to support AFC Wimbledon - glory hunting? band wagon? maybe you just enjoy traveling half way across london for your home games?