
IPA: ˈaʊs

Root Word: Ouse


  • Various rivers in England.
  • River Ouse, Yorkshire: A river in North Yorkshire and East Riding of Yorkshire.
  • River Ouse, Sussex: A river in both West Sussex and East Sussex.
  • River Great Ouse, Northamptonshire and East Anglia.
  • River Little Ouse, a tributary of the River Great Ouse.


  • Dated form of ooze. [(intransitive, sometimes figurative) To be secreted or slowly leak.]

Examples of "ouse" in Sentences

  • They, too, often preferred the rather ugly 'ouse'.
  • Now wot else is she supposed t 'do with the' ouse'old night soil? "
  • "Ah! a meetin'-'ouse '?" said the Slogger, with a slight smile of contempt.
  • "Is either of you parties an 'ouse'older on Mitten Island?" asked the policeman of Sarah Brown and Richard.
  • Let every ale'ouse 'ave its own pertikler brew, an' m'appen we'll git some o 'the old-fashioned malt an' 'ops agin.
  • "They sent him over in a clean corduroy suit with 'Work-'ouse' written all over it: and a nice job I had to rig him up so's Mrs Bowldler shouldn 'guess."
  • If the owner of this 'ouse' adn't 'ad the money to spend to' ave it done up, most of us would 'ave bin out of work this last six weeks, and starvin', the same as lots of others 'as been.'
  • He smoked, he could call for a "small port" in quite an off-hand fashion, he had played "shell out" with loafers at the little "'ouse," and he began to know a little more of betting, "gee-gees," and other kindred matters, than an average young fellow should know.
  • This 'ouse' as been rather a swagger one, judgin 'by the style o' the furniture, but one end an 'the roof' aving gone west with the shellin 'the whole show ain't what it might be. An' when the missus as it belongs to returns to 'er' appy 'ome there's going to be some fervent remarks passed about the Germs an' the war generally.
  • Further, that little "'ouse" which Raffles knew of also soon made the acquaintance of Jack, and he and Raffles on rainy afternoons snatched the fearful joys of hasty "hundreds up" or "fifties up," just as time allowed, Jack did not find the cue quite so sticky nor the charms of stale tobacco quite so unlovely as he had expected.

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