IPA: pˈɑbʌ
Root Word: PABA
- (organic chemistry) Para-aminobenzoic acid, a member of the B-complex family of vitamins that can be synthesized by the human body from folic acid. It is used primarily as an active ingredient in sunscreen, but also is necessary for some intestinal bacteria.
- Initialism of Pan Asian Boxing Association.
- Initialism of Philippine Amateur Baseball Association.
Examples of "paba" in Sentences
- There the evil-minded paba, Tlacopa, reigned supreme.
- Now, if the usual guards were lacking, surely it portended evil, -- treachery, no doubt, at the bottom of which the paba and the 'Tzin almost certainly lurked.
- In proud silence Victo listened to this deliberate arraignment, not deigning to interpose denial, or offer plea in self-defence, until the paba was clearly at an end.
- Prince Hua shouted forth savage threats, but he, as well as the paba, was fairly demoralised for the moment by the totally unexpected failure of their carefully laid schemes.
- And, by this, his questioners learned that, humanly speaking, the fate of the Sun God's Children depended almost entirely upon the whim or fancy of the chief paba of the teocalli.
- In this manner Ixtli contrived to pick up quite a little fund of information, mainly through the confidences reposed in a certain favoured few of the brotherhood by the chief paba.
- And Ixtli spoke more at length concerning Tlacopa, the paba, and another enemy whom the Children of the Sun had nearly equal cause to fear, one Huatzin, or Prince Hua, chiefest among the mighty warriors of the Aztecan clans.
- So I was loosed and led into the sanctuary, and when I came out the paba announced to the people that the god had declared me to be one of his children, and it was for this reason that then and thereafter they treated me with reverence.
- A low murmur from the eager crowd told how anxious they were to hear more, and, taking her cue from that, Victo made a graceful motion with her white hand, following it by words that sounded rarely sweet in their deep mellowness, after the harsh, dry notes of the paba.
- Having thus complied with all the requirements of his office, the paba first kissed his blade of sacrifice, then seized the lamb and turned it upon its back, one hand holding it helpless while with the other he ripped the poor beast wide from throat to tail, then, making a swift cross-slash, laid bare the cavity and exposed the quivering heart.