IPA: pˈæɫʌs
Root Word: Pallas
- (Greek mythology) Any of several people in Greek mythology:
- An epithet for Athena, always used together with the name, as Pallas Athena, rather than alone.
- One of the Titans, according to Hesiod the son of the Titans Crius and Eurybia.
- A goatish giant.
- (astronomy) The second asteroid discovered, and third largest, (2) Pallas.
- A female given name from Ancient Greek of mythological origin; rare in English.
- A surname from ?.
Examples of "pallas" in Sentences
- “i iz gardin teh bukknham pallas. yuo not cann dstrackeded me.”
- Liek teh ainshent kynges whjo killified dems arkiteck affer teh pallas be bilded.
- The other occupants of the guard-house were now grouped at the door, five men, half armed, and two dishevelled women with painted faces and flower-embroidered pallas.
- The musicians teach the participants how to assemble the panpipes, called pallas, and finish the workshop by teaching all participants how to play a simple traditional Andean song.
- As a result, you can get far closer than you would ever get to big cats in a zoo - they let you inside the barrier so you're right up against the fence - being careful to watch out for a paw reaching through to snag you or your camera … We saw (and shot) lions, tigers, Amur leopards, snow leopards, cheetahs, pallas cats, pumas and a lynx!