IPA: pˈænʌmɑ
Root Word: Panama
- A country in Central America. Official name: Republic of Panama.
- A Panama hat.
- Alternative form of Panama (“type of hat”) [A country in Central America. Official name: Republic of Panama.]
Examples of "panama" in Sentences
- August 25th, 2009 panama freighter wearing rusty brown
- You were born in panama, you are not an American citizen!
- He said. ... military. Similar pages
- Posted at 10: 04 AM in panama, personal, tourist | Permalink
- Now here he is in California, in a white suit and panama, for Paul Merton's Birth of Hollywood BBC2.
- She was apparently referring to a scene in "Silence of the Lambs" in which the cannibal wears a panama.
- Options, though, are wide-ranging—a broad straw hat that shades your shoulders too or a panama will do the job.
- Panama By susan 22 comments. could I live very comfortably in panama, not in the city, on $1000 a month inc. [1] rent. [2] plus car prices a modest 4 ...
- Timeless designs and an unswerving dedication to quality have ensured a steady flow of business – whether you're in the market for a bowler hat, a cap, a beret, a panama, a straw hat, a montero or any other type for that matter, they'll have it.