IPA: pd
Root Word: PD
- (law enforcement) Initialism of police department. [(law enforcement) Police force, especially a local or regional branch of a national police force.]
- (electronics) Initialism of phase detector.
- Initialism of public domain. [(also attributively) Often preceded by in the.]
- Initialism of peritoneal dialysis. [(medicine) A treatment for patients with severe chronic kidney disease in which fluids are exchanged from the blood in the patient's peritoneum in the abdomen.]
- Initialism of penile duplication. [diphallia]
- (U.S. military) Abbreviation of period (full stop) punctuation mark, used in communication systems without punctuation (e.g., telegrams). [A length of time.]
- Initialism of professional development.
- (law) Initialism of public defender. [(law) An attorney appointed to represent people who cannot afford to hire one.]
- (pathology) Initialism of Parkinson’s disease.
- (pathology) Initialism of panic disorder. [An anxiety disorder involving severe recurring panic attacks.]
- (pathology) Initialism of personality disorder. [(psychiatry) Any of a class of mental disorders characterized by ongoing rigid patterns of thought and action.]
- (ophthalmology) Initialism of pupillary distance.
- Initialism of process deviation.
- (electronics) Initialism of power delivery.
- (electricity) Initialism of partial discharge. [A localized electrical breakdown of a small portion of a solid or fluid electrical insulator when being applied to high voltage.]
- Initialism of pole dance. [A form of dancing and acrobatics centred on a pole, practiced as a gymnastic or erotic activity.]
- (sports) Initialism of performance director.
- (Ireland, politics, historical) Initialism of Progressive Democrat.
- Initialism of positive deviance.
- (Ireland) Initialism of Progressive Democrats, a former political party disbanded in 2008.
- (Malaysia) Initialism of Port Dickson, a town and district. [A town and district in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.]
Examples of "pd" in Sentences
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