IPA: pdʌ
Root Word: PDA
- (electronics) Initialism of personal digital assistant. [(dated) A hand-held electronic organizer or computer.]
- (colloquial) Initialism of public display of affection. [An act of physical intimacy in the view of others.]
- (computing theory) Initialism of pushdown automaton. [(computing theory) An automaton with finitely many states that can also use one unbounded stack of memory; the automaton may only push, pop, or read the top of the stack. Abbreviation: PDA.]
- Initialism of property damage accident.
- Initialism of pathological demand avoidance.
- (medicine) Initialism of patent ductus arteriosus.
- (manufacturing) Initialism of production data acquisition.
- (medicine) Initialism of peridural anesthesia.
- (cryptocurrencies, Solana) Initialism of program derived address.
Examples of "pda" in Sentences
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