IPA: pɝnæmbjˈukoʊ
Root Word: Pernambuco
- A state of the Northeast Region, Brazil. Capital: Recife
- The hard, reddish wood of a tree of the tribe Caesalpinieae, often used as dyewood; especially Paubrasilia echinata, used to make violin bows.
- The wood of Paubrasilia echinata.
Examples of "pernambuco" in Sentences
- The violinist's bow was made of pernambuco wood, renowned for its rich tone and durability
- Pernambuco trees are native to Brazil and are protected due to their slow growth and high demand for use in making bows
- The artisan carefully selected a piece of pernambuco wood with a straight grain for crafting a new bow
- Pernambuco bows are highly prized by professional musicians for their superior playability and responsiveness
- The violinist cherished her pernambuco bow as a valuable tool for expressing her musical artistry