IPA: pˈɛtʌsaɪts
Root Word: Petasites
- a genus of flowering plants in the sunflower family, Asteraceae, that are commonly referred to as butterbursMiller, Philip.
Examples of "petasites" in Sentences
- Look, here is a very lovely parallelogram of green surrounded by petasites.
- Another species, the Butter bur (_Tussilago petasites_), [120] is named from _petasus_, an umbrella, or a broad covering for the head.
- Because of this it may be a good idea to avoid using herbs such as conifrey, borage, senecio, coltsfoot, boneset, and petasites during pregnancy and for infants and young children.
- Leafy architectural statements like silvery cardoons, echiums, ornamental rhubarb and petasites fill the beds and borders with their pointed, jagged and dinner-plate-sized foliage.