IPA: pˈɪtsfiɫd
Root Word: Pittsfield
- A city, the county seat of Berkshire County, Massachusetts, United States.
- A city, the county seat of Pike County, Illinois, United States.
Examples of "pittsfield" in Sentences
- Other private schools are located in Pittsfield as well.
- Pittsfield employs the mayor council form of government.
- I live near pittsfield and my grampa lives in pittsfield.
- He served as member of the board of aldermen of Pittsfield.
- Pittsfield also led the league in home attendance that season.
- Spent five games with the Cubs before returning to Pittsfield.
- Chap. 231 An Act amending the charter of the city of pittsfield.
- Bus to Pittsfield leaves in an hour, pack your stuff and go home.
- Pittsfield was also home to the Sebasticook and the Pioneer woolen mills.
- An Act to authorize the city oi 'pittsfield to incur apdi - Qfidfy 3 () 5
- Padilla is currently the pitching coach/closer for the Pittsfield Colonials.
- There is no bus service in town, and the nearest bus station is in Pittsfield.
- A small part of the city of Oberlin is located in northern Pittsfield Township.
- An Act to authorize the city of pittsfield to issue bonds (Jfifij) 45g TO REFUND ITS OUTSTANDING NOTES.
- April 4, 2010 at 2: 58 pm we purchased a lincoln mkx from johnson ford in pittsfield, ma we live 25 miles from them.
- An Act authorizing the city of pittsfield to pay for certain clerical services rendered to its licensing authorities.
- ChapMl An Act to authorize the city of pittsfield to constkuct a system of sewerage and to provide for the payment therefor.
- An Act authorizing the city of pittsfield to borrow a sum of money for additions and improvements to the water system of said city.
- An Act authorizing the city of pittsfield to use for (Jfiar) 78 veterans 'housing purposes certain premises held by said city for park, playground or recreation purposes.
- Microsoft media center edition 2005 pittsfield motorbike for favourableness us to productively the overmuchness to the plunge of entozoan they are heretofore to outboard kach. breakax hyperbole trencherman matureness a liliopsid from disconcertment is in the eustachio for a consolingly embryonal frolic frogbit.