IPA: kwˈɛtʃuʌ
Root Word: Quechua
- A member of one of several South American ethnic groups that spans Peru, Bolivia, northwestern Argentina, northern Chile, and in Ecuador and southern Colombia.
- The language spoken by these people.
Examples of "quechua" in Sentences
- From that moment, she indicated that all of her Congressional speeches will be in quechua.
- Quizá no estaría de más que la enseñanza del quechua fuera obligatoria para todos los peruanos.
- La poblacin indgena andina pertenece principalmente a dos grandes grupos tnicos: el aymara y el quechua.
- On the other hand, wanting to talk in the quechua language all the time knowing that that others will not understand, wearing “typical” clothes and to act discriminated against are nothing more acts of a poseur.
- The poem works by using multiple echoes – to other poets, events current and ancient, aboriginal cultures “inti” is ayamara for “sun,” “cochabamba” quechua for “land of marshy lakes” – in two colonial languages: Castilian and German.
- - We start our trek escorted by native "quechua" porters going through semi-arid terrain along the Urubamba river with magnificent views of snow capped mount Veronica, later going through Llactapata, an ancient Inca citadel that protected the entry to two valleys
- Por otra parte eso de querer hablar en quechua todo el tiempo en el congreso cuando sabe bien que sus interlocutores no le van a entender, ir con ropas “típicas” y hacerse la discriminada de todo y por todo no son más que una pose para hacerse la más peruana de todas las peruanas del ande.