
IPA: kwˈitoʊ

Root Word: Quito


  • The capital city of Ecuador.

Examples of "quito" in Sentences

  • Do I just not understand the definition? quito Says:
  • The first move would be to call on Finlay and ask him about the mos - quito.
  • It was derived from the Portuguese _quito-sol_, or that which keeps off the sun.
  • A mos - quito, buzzing viciously in the doctor's ear, made him shake his head vigorously.
  • He flew swiftly'more swiftly than any genuine mos - quito could have-across the field of flowers, and came back to the land medium.
  • Gary turned off his flashlight and for a while I heard him wres'tling with his cot and blankets as he tucked in the mos-quito netting.
  • Several hundred poor and middle-class Indians are awaiting screening for dengue fever, a mos-quito-borne disease that has reached near-epidemic proportions in Delhi this fall.
  • For twenty years, too, Dr. Carlos Finlay of Havana kept in - sisting that yellow fever was spread by the bite of a certain mos - quito, the female of Culex fasciatus, now called Aedes aegypti.
  • Y aunque el doctor Valbas en Alcala a quien fue cometido por el Consejo Real, al principio le quito grandes pedazos adonde trataba a San Hieronimo como me trata a mi agora, no le pudo quitar esto que yo digo, por que era quitalle todo el libro, ... '
  • Building Number Two, or the infected mos - quito building, was like Building Number One, except that its win - dows were placed so as to afford good ventilation, and it was par - titioned inside by a very fine wire screen through which mosquitoes could not pass.

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