IPA: rˈæmʌdʌn
Root Word: Ramadan
- (Islam) The holy ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, during which Muslims fast between the break of dawn until sunset; they also refrain from drinking liquids, smoking and having sexual relations.
- A male given name from Arabic, of Muslim usage.
Examples of "ramadan" in Sentences
- Français · Palestine: Les qatayefs, un dessert du ramadan
- Français · Pakistan: La crise du sucre rend amer le ramadan
- Français · Maghreb: Pour le ramadan, bons voeux et autres réflexions
- A should change the name of that forum from 'ramadan' to something else?!!? en Español
- I cry to almost everything. for example there is this "ramadan" ad with a kid singing.
- I was looking for ramadan buffets in paterson lol this looks like something i should try hehehe do you know of any thats a lil cheaper?
- Also Black History month, International wimmins day, Eid, ramadan, LGTBGB day, month or YEAR, more stalls at festivals, gay pride marches etc advertising the wonderful breadth and diversity of diversity itself (especially those blokes in frocks and awful make up).