IPA: rˈænʌ
Root Word: Rana
- A surname.
- Rana, Norway, a large municipality in Nordland county, Norway.
Examples of "rana" in Sentences
- The Mozio rana could read and write, but the gambarana could “see.”
- When it came to witches, the Mozio rana could offer his people nothing but mediation.
- The Gambaga rana is the only chief recognized the whole of our side to handle witchcraft cases.
- Thus level ... waters enclose the verb and its subject, the two parts of which, rara ... rana, in turn orbit coaxat like planets around the sun.
- Because witches could fly, morph into animals, or disappear, the Mozio rana, and others like him, believed they could be used for good instead of evil.
- “I personally wish that the chiefs were empowered by the statute book of the nation to deal ruthlessly with people who believe these women are bad and must be ruthlessly killed,” the Mozio rana told me as he drained a bottle of malt.
- Six times the Mozio rana had been moved around the region, and we spent half a day driving to three of his homes, meeting three of his wives, before we finally found him watching a soccer match at the local high school in Nalerigu, just four miles from Gambaga.
- Likewise, Romanian broascã "frog" and cioarã "crow" bear no resemblance to Standard Italian words for these creatures 'rana' and 'corvo' but when you look at some of the dialectal Italian words for these animals 'broscia','ciola' and 'ciora' the Romanian etymologies, once again, make more sense.
- Tuesday, September 29, 2009 at 10: 55 PM my mistake (even after i read your comment rana, i was still reading "yosemite" which is what i meant to type) thanks for pointing out my error. yellowstone would more likely have been blackfoot or shoshone. and thank you, when you noticed the error, you still got my point. correction welcomed, and it's good to be understood.