IPA: rɑfaɪˈɛɫ
Root Word: Raphael
- An archangel in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
- (countable) A male given name from Hebrew.
- (countable) A surname originating as a patronymic.
- (art) Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, an Italian Renaissance painter (1483–1520).
Examples of "raphael" in Sentences
- I really would love to hear from raphael and elena.
- I cannot wait to see Obama in the White House! raphael
- Statements from the obsessed Hilliary supporters. raphael
- Vote on the ISSUES, EXPERIENCE, and MORAL CHARACTER. raphael
- How about the percentage of white voters for Obama in Oregon? raphael
- "Could you kneel down for a second?" hehe, and the raphael burned him to ashes.
- This looks creepy, by the way you said the red one was leonardo isnt the red one raphael?
- I soo want elena to confront her stupid father. although i would enjoy raphael even more. he would show this man where his place is!
- The only similarity i see, between in death and archangel´s kiss is, that raphael is-like roarke - always there when elena is waking from a nightmare.
- May 16th, 2008 1: 42 pm ET is there any way CNN can have a idiot filter and get rid of some of the comments from "neutral" "bj" and especially raphael from texas