IPA: rf
Root Word: RF
- (US, military, aviation) reconnaissance fighter; an unarmed fighter modified for photo-reconnaissance (prefix)
- Initialism of right foot.
- (photography) Initialism of range finder.
- (electronics, physics) Initialism of radio frequency. [(uncountable) That part of the electromagnetic spectrum, between about 3 kHz and 300 MHz, within which radio waves are transmitted.]
- (pathology) Initialism of rheumatoid factor. [(immunology) An autoantibody directed against the Fc fragment of immunoglobulin G (IgG), often elevated in certain conditions including rheumatoid arthritis and Sjögren's syndrome.]
- (military, engineering, slang) Initialism of ratfuck (“dirty rick or act of sabotage or interference”). [(vulgar) Someone who engages in dirty tricks.]
- (baseball) Initialism of right field or right fielder.
- (optics, imaging, photography) Abbreviation of radiance field.
- Initialism of Russian Federation. [Alternative formal name of Russia.]
- Initialism of radio frequency. [(uncountable) That part of the electromagnetic spectrum, between about 3 kHz and 300 MHz, within which radio waves are transmitted.]
Examples of "rf" in Sentences
- RF is not a reliable source, obviously.
- Or to show that RF is telling the truth.
- It is a miniature RF high slope pentode.
- RF and Optical Communication Laboratory 21.
- RF refers to the station's physical RF channel.
- In precision wavemeters an RF voltmeter is used.
- RF refers to the station's physical digital RF channel.
- Another method is known as thermolysis, RF, shortwave or diathermy.
- The Rf value of the unknown and the Rf value of Alanine are similar.
- RF functionality can be implemented using a variety of RF technologies.